Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Microsoft gives free Software to students

Microsoft developer tools. These professional-grade products provide a security-enhanced and reliable environment, enabling students to program everything from a cell phone to a robot or to create their own Web page. Students will also be able to invent compelling new gaming content and make their dream game a reality by porting their creations to their Xbox 360 console.

  • Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition
  • Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition*
  • XNA Game Studio 2.0*
  • 12-month free membership in the XNA Creators Club

Microsoft designer tools. This ultra-versatile suite of tools will enable students to vividly bring their creative visions to life in vibrant new Web site designs and more effective digital content, including animation, imagery and photography.

  • Expression Studio, including:
    • Expression Web*
    • Expression Blend*
    • Expression Design*
    • Expression Media*
Microsoft platform resources. The foundation for development and design platforms, these products deliver a security-enhanced and reliable environment, reliable and manageable environment for students to more quickly turn ideas into reality.
  • SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition
  • Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition*
  • Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
  • Virtual PC 2007*
* The tools marked with the asterisk are also available on DVD.

Microsoft IT Academy Student Pass: In addition to the software, students get access to learning content via IT Academy Student Pass. The Microsoft IT Academy Student Pass is a special no-cost online learning opportunity for students. IT Academy Student Pass provides free e-learning courses to students who are interested in extending their technical skills with Microsoft technologies.

Extract from the below site